Expository Address

Expository address is an event in the National Forensic League. It is a supplemental event at the National Tournament. Expository speeches are original compositions of the contestant. The expository speech is a speech to inform, not a performance. It should describe, clarify, illustrate or define an object, idea, concept, or process. A fabricated topic/subject may not be used. In expository, a student may not use any portion of his/her original oration entered at any NFL tournament. Maximum time of presentation is five minutes. Generally intended to be somewhat entertaining, the speech also has social relevance.[1][2]


  1. ^ National Forensic League. Rostrum Archives Supplemental/Consolation Events . National Forensic League website http://www.nflonline.org/Rostrum/SupplementalConsolation
  2. ^ Expository Speaking in the NFL. Introduction to Expository Speaking. Graduate event director http://jodysheu.wordpress.com/home/expository-speaking-overview/